

România - Romania

Art Lessons

Ziua NON-VIOLENTEI, 30 ianuarie 2019

Our preparation for your Christmas Tree


Pregatirea felicitarilor de Craciun si a ghirlandelor ce s-au trimis pentru impodobirea  pomilor de Craciun din scolile partenere.


Mozaicuri realizate de elevi din clasa a 8-a A, de la Liceul de Arte Vizuale

                             Mozaic: "Calut de mare"                                     Mozaic: "Unicorn"

Mozaic: "Porumbel"

                                                                       Mozaic: "Papagal"

Diseminarea intalnirii din Madrid, 12-16 nov. 2018
in ziarul local ”Faclia”
A treia intalinre de tipul LTT, s-a desfasurat la Madrid, in perioada 12-16 noiembrie 2018

 Toamna in Cluj-Napoca
 lucrari ale elevilor din clasa a 8-a A,
Doamna prof. Maria Matean

 Romanian   FAIRY TALES

A patra întâlnire transnațională de proiect a avut loc in Polonia, la Jazwina, în perioada 12-14 septembrie 2018. A fost o întâlnire de tipul Transnational Meeting, în care s-au discutat probleme legate de subiectele și termenele activităților viitoare ale proiectului, aspecte legate de organizare, de comunicare între partenerii de proiect.

   În perioada 16-20 aprilie 2018 a avut loc a treia întâlnire transnațională a proiectului, în orașul Klaipeda din Lituania.  A fost o întâlnire de tip învățare, predare, formare. Echipa a participat atât la activități didactice, la ore în clasele din școala din Klaipeda, cât și la activitățile și seminariile din cadrul conferinței care s-a desfășurat în data de 18 aprilie,  Profesorii participanți și-au largit cunoștințele de geografie și istorie în cadrul vizitelor efectuale in Klaipeda, Nida, Vilnius, Trakai, Muzeul maritim Curonian. 

Disemination of Romanian meeting, in our local newspaper "FACLIA"

Romanian meeting:  "How to read a painting evolution of art"

"Land Art - workshop"- Romanian meeting

  "History lesson" at Alba-Iulia citadel

"Jewelry workshop"

"From Sketch to Object" modeling lesson at Liceul de Arte Vizuale "Romulus Ladea" Cluj-Napoca

Romanian meeting  Cluj-Napoca, 15-19 January 2018


Prima intalnire transnationala de proiect, Latina, Italia, 15-18th October 2017

Salut! Imi pare bine sa particip alaturi de voi la acest proiect minunat. Sper sa avem o colaborare indelungata si placuta.
Hello! I am happy to be with you on this wonderful project. I hope to have a good and long collaboration. 


With over 50 years of tradition, “Romulus Ladea” Visual Highschool has been the only pre-university educational center (school) in all Transylvania.

Regardless of the historical times passing by, since 1949 this Highschool has been keeping alive the faith in the eternal value of beauty, as a possible salvation of the world and of the creative ego. We are proud if our teachers who have exhibited in our country and abroad, too: as Nicolae Maier, we are also proud of our students who have became doctors, writers, architects or philosophers.

The city of Cluj-Napoca owes Romul Ladea, the spiritual master of our Highschool, first class artist,remarkable monuments such as : “Lucian Blaga”,”Scoala Ardeleana”.

Ladea studied in Bucharest (he was Paciurea’s student), in Paris, in Brancusi’s workshop. He was a teacher at Fine Arts School in Cluj and at “Ion Andreescu” Institute.

In his honor and memory, every year in May, our Highschool organizes a festival Romul Ladea Festival which has his name and it is accompanied by a scientific communication session with an interdisciplinary character. This festival, together with the creative experiment opened to all the children from Cluj and its surroundings, and too all our country, finalize the methodical preoccupations of the teachers, regarding the improvement of the artistic language.

Our sections are:

ELEMENTARY SCHOOL(5th-8th grade) (gymnasium)

Pupils study the general knowledge subjects that are specific to the compulsory

education, to which the arts subjects are added

-drawing 2 classes/week

-painting 2 classes/week

-modeling 2 classes/week

-history of art 1 hour/week

HIGHSCHOOL(9th-12th grade)-Architecture, Design and Ambiental arts section:

9th-12th grades are divided  in two workshop: one has architecture as a profile

and the other, ambient arts:

-Fine and Decorative Arts section:

9th-12th grades are divided in special workshops (5 classes/week)

- Lasel painting

- Monumental painting (icons)

- Sculpture

- Graphics

- Ceramics (pottery)

- fashion design, textiles

The following classes are added

- Drawing 2 classes/week

- Painting 2 classes/week

- Modeling 2 classes/week

- History of art-grades 9th-12th 1 class/week

- History of art-grades 11th-12th 2 classes/week

Optional classes – General Knowledge

- Arts and geometry

- Civic Education

- Artistic anatomy

- Photography

- Image processing

- History of art 9th-12th grade extension

In our Highschool there are:

- 18 rooms for theoretical subjects

- 20 workshops for fine arts

- a library with 20.000 books

- an exhibition hall

- a gym and a sports field

- 2 IT rooms (information technology room)

- a medical office

- a psychological office

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